Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Plants for sales

Selling the below mentioned plants:

All sales are subjected to availability:

1) Bolbitis (about 5 leafs) : $8 each
2) Christmas moss on steel mesh (Freshly tied) 15cm by 10cm : $8 each
3) Christmas moss on steel mesh (keep for 2 weeks) 15cm by 10cm : $10 each
4) Mini Christmas moss on steel mesh ( Freshly tied) 7cm by 5cm: $12 each
5) Mini Christmas moss on steel mesh (keep for 2 weeks) 7cm by 5cm: $15 each
6) Mini Bolbitis (5 leafs on small lava rock) : $4 each
7) Nana Petite on lava rock : $4 per plant
8) Narrow leaf java fern on lava rock (5 leaf) : $3 each
9) Mini java Fern loose form (5 plants) : $5 per set
10) Downoi : $4 each
11) US fissiden (freshly tied) 7cm by 5cm : $8 each
12) US fissiden (keep for 2 weeks) 7cm by 5cm: $10 each

Other mesh size need can be arrange based on availability.

Can email me at or sms me at 96365244 for queries.

2 Ft planted tank

2 ft planted tanks:

Currently having a 2 ft planted tank with the plants as mentioned


1) Christmas Moss tied on pebbles for foreground effect

2) mini Java fern at mid ground tied on 2 pieces of wooden block with Downoi in front

3) 2 species of crypt: a) Cryptocoryne Minima

b) Cryptocoryne Wendtii

4) Narrow leaf java fern

5) Vallisneria americana var "Mini Twister"

6) Nana petite

7) Round leaf Nana

8) Bolbitis

8) Mini christmas moss

9) Mini Pellia

10) US fissiden

11) Mini Fissiden

12) Mini Bolbitis

13) Red Tiger lotus


1) Coral red pencil

2) Boraras Merah

3) Boraras Brigittae

4) Otto

5) Clown Killies

6) Nerile Horn snails

7) Cherry shrimps